Wednesday 21 July 2010


For about tenth time I've just watched 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly', directed by artist, Julian Schnabel. Having reading the book previously, I can't come away and say one is better than the other... You can't help but be moved by the story of Jean-Dominique Bauby, and the potential power of the human spirit, along with Julien's personal motivation to create a piece to give him closure from his own Father's death, adding extra sentiment.

For me, the story always reminds me of when I worked at a residential nursing home with young adults battling diseases like Juvenile Battens Disease, Peterson's disease, Lissencephaly, down's syndrome, and various other conditions and learning difficulties. The people there taught me so much, and I still continue to learn as a result of that experience. Watching or reading films books like 'The Diving and the Butterfly' puts things into perspective and continues to inspire me. Most of all, it makes me realise how lucky I am to have experienced working with these amazing people.

Here are some of the memories we shared: